

01 So, love between Bob and Jessica was restored. Both were so happy, that everything went well in the end. Our couple once again in love sat into a car and set for their home. 02 Our couple was so interested in themselves, that they didn’t hear that noise around....
Ironman vs. Hulk

Ironman vs. Hulk

Ironman vs. Hulk Story about fight Ironman vs. Hulk. 7 01 Sound blast echoed as an artillery shot. Everything shattered to its base. Two undestructible monster met in fight. Hulk and Hulkbuster, called also Veronica, a machine designed to stop Hulk. 02 Hulk was...
The 3rd Instagram anniversary celebration

The 3rd Instagram anniversary celebration

Chogall's Story The 3rd Instagram anniversary celebration 7 Krásny deň prajem, tu je Cho’gall. … Človek, ktorý pre Vás s láskou vytvára tieto príbehy. Dnes oslavujem 3 výročie na Instagrame a pri tejto príležitosti, sme sa rozhodli, že našim príbehom...